NSYA Volleyball Rules

updated: February 2019

The rules and regulations have been implemented to provide a quality program and positive experience for all participants. The mission of North Santiam Youth Athletics (NSYA) is to promote the development of all players by creating a learning environment which encompasses all aspects and positions of volleyball. At every level, the long term objective should be development over outcome. Make sure this is the goal for your team. Do not stress winning the game, but that your team attempts to get three hits every time the ball comes to their side of the net. As a volunteer coach, you have the opportunity to teach young athletes the values, ethics, and responsibilities that are important to the guidance and development of your team. Coaches are expected to maintain a positive attitude and comply with the meaning, spirit and intent of program policies and regulations of NSYA. Most program policies dealing with team formation, practices, and general procedures can be found below.

I. Games and Matches:

A) Official Schedule:

1) A schedule for each NSYA team will be drafted by the volleyball director. Once a schedule is published by NSYA, the schedule will not be changed, altered, modified, etc., except in those situations deemed to be of an extraordinary nature.

2) All schedule changes must be approved by the volleyball director.

B) Game Times:

Games will be played on Saturdays. The first game of the day may begin as early as 8:00 am, and will start no later than 4:00 pm.

C) Team Arrival:

1) Ten minutes prior to a scheduled game, coaches will meet with officials for pre-game conference to determine who serves first. Lineup cards will be submitted for 7th/8th grade matches. The minimum number of players (4) must be present prior to the scheduled match starting time.

2) Should a team be short players at game time, coaches can fill in with spectators to get to 6 players. The fill in players MUST be a current player in the league and fit the grad requirements to play with that team.  For example; a 5th/6th grade team can pick up any person who is in the 6th grade or younger to fill in, but may not pick up any player older than 6th grade.

D) Starting Time:

Games must start at the scheduled starting time according to the official schedule published by NSYA. If a preceding game extends beyond the scheduled starting time, the game must begin within 10 minutes after the completion of the preceding game.

E) Disputed Calls and Protests:

Disputed calls must be resolved on the court at game time.  Should the need arise, the official and site supervisor will communicate together to resolve any issues.

F) Lineup Cards:

Lineup cards will only be used for 7th/8th grade matches.  Prior to each game, each head coach is required to fill out an official NSYA lineup card. The lineup card must list all players in their proper serving order.  This order can only be changed between sets, not during the middle of a game.



(Unless specified, games will be played according to high school rules).

3rd/4th Grade Objectives: 3rd/4th grade is our entry-level for volleyball participation. The goal of the program is to help children develop movement skills, and volleyball specific skills, in order to move and play with basic passing fundamentals of the game.

Games are played according to the National Federation of State High School Associations Volleyball Rules Book (NFHS). Below are modifications and clarifications adopted by NSYA for teams in the 3rd & 4th grades.

I. The Match & Scoring:

A regular season match will consist of 2 out of 3 games.  Games 1 & 2 will be played to 25 points, and game 3 will be played to 15 points.  The winning team of each game must win by 2 points.

Rally scoring will be used. The winner of a game shall be the first team to 25 points. If a third game is necessary, it will be played to 15 points. All games must have a two-point margin for victory.

If a winner is determined after the first 2 games, a 3rd set should still be played if time permits.  The exception will be during tournaments where a 3rd game will not be played if a winner is determined after the first 2 games.

II. Timeouts:

Timeouts (2 per game) shall not exceed 60 seconds.  The official will keep track of the time limit. Should a team violate the time limit, the official can choose to give a point to the opposing team, and may result in the loss of serve.

III. The Server:

Each server will have the opportunity to serve overhand or underhand from the designated serving line.  Should the server miss on their 1st attempt and the ball does not clear the height of the net, they will be given a 2nd attempt during that rotation.  If they miss on their 2nd attempt, this will result in a side-out, and the serve will transfer to the other team.

Each server will have the opportunity to earn a total of 5 points for their team in a given rotation.  Once the fifth point is earned, the ball will be transferred to the other team, but they will not receive a point.  

IV. The Rotation:

Each team must rotate their entire roster throughout each game.  The new player will rotate into the serving position when their team earns the serve back on their side.  The serving order should not change during a game, but can be adjusted between games.

V. The Court:

3rd/4th grade will play on a regulation court.

VI. Serving Line:

3rd/4th grade will serve from a prescribed line (20' from the net).  There will not be allowances made for stepping over the line after Week 1.  There will not be allowances made for any player attempting an overhand serve.  Players can always move back beyond the 20’ line, but cannot be in front of it.

VII. Net:

3rd/4th grade will have 6 foot net height.

VIII. Ball:

A special light weight ball will be used and provided by NSYA.

IX. Team Composition:

A team shall consist of 6 players on the court at one time in 3rd/4th grade. At least four players must be present to start a game. If a player shows up after a game has begun, he/she should be inserted into the game at a side-out or a time out.  If the team HAS already completed a full rotation (where every player has served), the new player should be inserted in as the next server. If the team HAS NOT completed a full rotation, the new player should be inserted into the line-up to be the team’s final server.

X. Playing Requirements:

All players present must play in every game. Players follow the rotation assigned by the coach prior to the game. The only substitutions or changes allowed will be due to a late arriving player or an injured player.



(Unless specified, games will be played according to high school rules).

5th/6th Grade Objectives: 5th/6th grade volleyball begins to introduce more advanced fundamentals and competitive skills of the game while still maximizing participation and a full range of positional play for each player.

Games are played according to the National Federation of State High School Associations Volleyball Rules Book (NFHS). Below are modifications and clarifications adopted by NSYA for teams in the 5th/6th grade.

I. The Match & Scoring:

A regular season match will consist of 2 out of 3 games.  Games 1 & 2 will be played to 25 points, and game 3 will be played to 15 points.  The winning team of each game must win by 2 points.

Rally scoring will be used. The winner of a game shall be the first team to 25 points. If a third game is necessary, it will be played to 15 points. All games must have a two-point margin for victory.

If a winner is determined after the first 2 games, a 3rd set should still be played if time permits.  The exception will be during tournaments where a 3rd game will not be played if a winner is determined after the first 2 games.

IV. Timeouts:

Timeouts (2 per game) shall not exceed 60 seconds.  The official will keep track of the time limit. Should a team violate the time limit, the official can choose to give a point to the opposing team, and may result in the loss of serve.

V. The Server:

Each server will have the opportunity to serve overhand or underhand from the designated serving line.  DURING THE FIRST WEEK OF GAMES: Should the server miss on their 1st attempt and the ball does not clear the height of the net, they will be given a 2nd attempt during that rotation.  If they miss on their 2nd attempt, this will result in a side-out, and the serve will transfer to the other team.  After Week 1, servers will not be given a 2nd attempt.

Each server will have the opportunity to earn a total of 5 points for their team in a given rotation.  Once the 5th point is earned, the ball will be transferred to the other team, but they will not receive a point.  

VI. The Court:

A full size court 30' X 30' for each half will be utilized.

VII. The Serving Line:

The serving line will be at the back court line, 30 feet from the net.  The server must start behind the line, but can take one step over the line during their serve if necessary.

VIII. Net:

Net height will be 7' 4 1/8''.

IX. Ball:

5th/6th grade will use a special light weight ball provided by NSYA.

X. Team Composition:

A team shall consist of 6 players on the court at one time in 3rd/4th grade. At least four players must be present to start a game. If a player shows up after a game has begun, he/she should be inserted into the game at a side-out or a time out.  If the team HAS already completed a full rotation (where every player has served), the new player should be inserted in as the next server. If the team HAS NOT completed a full rotation, the new player should be inserted into the line-up to be the team’s final server.

XI. Playing Requirements and Rotation:

All players present play in every game. Players follow the rotation assigned by the coach prior to the game. You must rotate your entire roster into the serving position, no substitutions. The only substitutions or changes allowed will be due to a late arriving player or an injured player.

*A coach must receive prior approval if a player does not play required minimum playing time due to disciplinary reasons. This must be cleared prior to the game and can be done so by communicating with the volleyball director, or site supervisor.



(Unless specified, games will be played according to high school rules).

7th/8th Grade Objectives: 7th/8th grade volleyball refines fundamental movement and volleyball sport specific skills while continuing to introduce and develop more advanced fundamentals and competitive skills of the game. Minimum playing time for all players must be facilitated (each player must play in at least 33% of match time) through the NFHS (National Federation of High School) Volleyball rules

Games are played according to the National Federation of State High School Associations Volleyball Rules Book (NFHS). Below are modifications and clarifications adopted by NSYA for teams in the 7th 8th grades.

I. The Match & Scoring:

A regular season match will consist of 2 out of 3 games.  Games 1 & 2 will be played to 25 points, and game 3 will be played to 15 points.  The winning team of each game must win by 2 points.

Rally scoring will be used. The winner of a game shall be the first team to 25 points. If a third game is necessary, it will be played to 15 points. All games must have a two-point margin for victory.

If a winner is determined after the first 2 games, a 3rd set should still be played if time permits.  The exception will be during tournaments where a 3rd game will not be played if a winner is determined after the first 2 games.

IV. Timeouts:

Timeouts (2 per game) shall not exceed 60 seconds.  The official will keep track of the time limit. Should a team violate the time limit, the official can choose to give a point to the opposing team, and may result in the loss of serve.

V. The Server:

Each server will have the opportunity to serve overhand or underhand from the designated serving line.  If the 1st serve is missed, server will not be given a 2nd attempt.

VI. The Court:

A full size court 30' X 30' for each half will be utilized.

VII. The Serving Line:

The serving line will be at the back court line, 30 feet from the net.  The server must start behind the line. Any step over the line will be deemed a foot-fault and will result in a sideout and a point and the ball will be awarded to the other team.

VIII. Net:

Net height will be 7' 4 1/8''.

IX. Ball:

7th/8th grades will use a regulation ball provided by NSYA.

X. Team Composition:

A team shall consist of six (6) players on the court at one time. At least four players must be present to start a game. If a player shows up after a game has begun, he/she should be inserted into the game at an appropriate time.

XI. Playing Requirements: 7th/8th grade volleyball plays pure NFHS volleyball rules while honoring the minimum playing time for each player (33% of match time available)

Substitutions: Players should be substituted following regular high school rules.

Failure to play players the required amount shall result in a forfeit of the match.

*A coach must receive prior approval if a player does not play required minimum playing time due to disciplinary reasons. This must be cleared prior to the game and can be done so by communicating with the volleyball director, or site supervisor.

XII. Libero

The Libero is a defensive specialist.  The Libero can only be utilized in 7th/8th grade volleyball.

Why would a NSYA team use a libero?

Utilize a player who has exceptional back row skills.

Give a defensive specialist/smaller player a chance to play more than ½ of the game if they don't play front row.

Start to learn the high-school game/rules.

The libero CAN:

Substitute for any player in the back row

Serve from one spot in the rotation

Sub out/sub in on the same possession

The libero CANNOT:

Attack above the net anywhere on the court

Set the ball overhand from in front of the 10 foot  line resulting in an attack

Play the front row

Libero Procedure:

Designate the Libero in the starting line-up

Libero must wear a different color jersey than the rest of her team

The Libero substitutes freely and immediately after a play without stopping at the net (as with formal substitutions).

The libero and the player she is replacing must both exit and enter the court behind the 10 foot line.